Christmas is around the corner, and so is the time for parties, fun and frolics. No party is complete without food and drinks, and when it is Christmas, it has to be all about cakes and beverages, drinks and desserts. Your refrigerator, needless to say, will play a pivotal role in your Christmas celebrations. It will preserve your foods and drinks for your family and guests. However, a malfunctioning fridge around this time of the year will be a disaster!

Thus, you need to ensure that your fridge is in the pink of its health and condition, serving you in precisely the way it should. Thus, you need to prepare your fridge for the occasion, to ensure you do not have to go for any major repair, spoiling your Christmas celebrations. Therefore, on this page, we discuss the ways to prepare your fridge, to keep major fridge repairs in Seven Hills at bay during Christmas.

Cleaning the Condenser Coils

The preparation of your refrigerator should start with the condenser coils. These coils have a propensity of accumulating dust and debris, thereby hindering the cooling process of your refrigeration unit. Thus, you need to clean the condenser coil to make sure that your refrigerator is operating to its fullest potential. To do this, you need to summon a technician who conducts fridge repairs in Abbotsford.

For cleaning the condenser coils, the professional will use a vacuum and a clean rag to wipe the condenser coils down. Depending on the extent of cleaning needed to be done, the pro may also use the condenser coil brush.

Therefore, to avoid extensive cleaning at the eleventh hour, you need to plan the cleaning of the condenser coil once every 3 to 4 months. This will prevent the build-up of dust and debris.

Removal of Ice Build Up in the Freezer & the Refrigerator

The accumulation of ice in the fridge or the freezer is another pain area that you need to take care of before the celebrations. Build up of too much ice will inhibit the circulation of cool air, thus causing inadequate cooling. So, if you detect a large ice buildup, you must take preventive measures immediately. The things you need to look for are ruptured door seals or gaskets or loose door hinges. This will cause warm air to find its way inside the fridge, causing this unusual accumulation of ice. You can get rid of the ice by brushing it off using a common brush.

However, if the build-up is excessive, you need to summon a technician who conducts fridge repairs in St Marys rather than trying a DIY. The professional will remove everything from the interior. Unplug your unit and let the ice melt down and then conduct a comprehensive cleaning and do whatever amendments are needed, to stop the recurrence of the ice.

Final words: When it comes to summoning a technician, you must hire one who specialises in dealing with the fridge of the brand you have, for better results. For instance, if you have a Westinghouse Fridge, hire a professional who has specialisation in conducting Westinghouse Fridge repairs in Sydney.

Who else can you hire than Fridge Experts if you are in and around Sydney? We are the best in the business. Call us to book our service before it is too late!

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